The Black Equity Initiative Inland Empire (BEI), in partnership with the IE Funders Alliance and IECF, has announced a new Technical Assistance Grant Opportunity for Black-led organizations seeking support with grantwriting to secure funding for systems change and power-building initiatives. Applications close June 16, 2023.

The grant opportunity will consist of three grant writing instructional sessions in addition to a $10,000 one-time award. These sessions will focus on equipping eligible organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively articulate their vision, mission, and goals in grant proposals. Participants can expect to learn grant writing fundamentals and how to highlight key elements of their organization’s work to successfully align projects with systems change and power-building goals.



Who Should Apply:

  • Black-led organizations: This grant opportunity is specifically designed to support organizations with Black leadership, including executive directors, board members, or senior staff who identify as Black.
  • Commitment to systems change and power-building: Eligible organizations should demonstrate a clear commitment to advancing systems change and power-building initiatives within the Inland Empire. This can include a focus on addressing racial inequities, dismantling systemic barriers, and promoting justice and equity.
  • Seeking support for grant writing: Organizations that are actively seeking assistance in learning how to effectively write grants to secure funding for systems change and power-building initiatives are encouraged to apply.

Who Should Not Apply:

  • Current grantees of the Black Equity Initiative Inland Empire. If you have previously been awarded from this fund you are ineligible to apply.
  • Previous ineligible applicants. If you have applied for a grant from the Black Equity Initiative Inland Empire and received communication that your organization was ineligible we ask that you not apply for this opportunity.
  • Non-Black-led organizations: This grant opportunity is specifically tailored to support Black-led organizations, and thus non-Black-led organizations are not eligible to apply.
  • Organizations without a focus on systems change and power-building: If your organization’s primary focus does not align with systems change and power-building initiatives, we kindly request that you refrain from applying for this grant opportunity.


To apply for this grant opportunity, please submit your application here. Applications are due by June 16th, 2023, 5:00PM PST (no extensions will be provided). If you have any questions or require assistance please contact fund manager, London Jones,

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