Grantee Spotlight: Grant aids Operation SafeHouse as it reaches a milestone year
One of the area’s agents of change is about to hit a milestone. In 2025, Operation SafeHouse, a Riverside nonprofit providing emergency shelter for runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth, will turn 35. Julie Hale, the organization’s Fund Development Director, is eager...
Press Forward awards $175K to IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund and $100K to Two Inland Empire News Outlets
Press Forward, a national organization dedicated to strengthening communities through local journalism, has awarded $175,000 to IECF’s IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund and $100,000 each to two Inland Empire news outlets: Black Voice News and The Riverside...
Aaron Norris Creative Fund supports students pursuing the arts
The late Aaron Norris once noted that if you’re going to serve, you’re going to give something—“your time, talent, and treasure, and all three are equal.” Now, the resilient Riverside change agent’s words are being brought to life to honor his outstanding legacy. A...