Press Forward awards $175K to IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund and $100K to Two Inland Empire News Outlets
Press Forward, a national organization dedicated to strengthening communities through local journalism, has awarded $175,000 to IECF’s IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund and $100,000 each to two Inland Empire news outlets: Black Voice News and The Riverside...
Spotlight on Seiden-Juku: Adaptive karate classes for people with disabilities
Inland Empire Community Foundation grant empowers innovative nonprofit Sensei Tamara Canedo-Lifschutz of Seiden-Juku in La Quinta receives a lot of bows from her students. That bow, known as “rei,” indicates a sign of respect and reverence for the teacher or...Welcome to IECF!
Hello! I’m Brie Griset Smith, CSPG, Chief Development Officer for IECF. Thank you for connecting with us through Palm Springs Life. It’s an honor to help make our donors’ dreams come true with an incredible team of charitable giving professionals. To this...