Recently, IECF hosted a private screening of the inspiring documentary Firebreak for our community partners. Firebreak highlights the intersection of climate change and social justice. The film showcases how marginalized communities, often disproportionately impacted...
A happy fate shines down on Temple Beth El in Riverside. The revered spiritual institution is benefitting from two recent shifts that will stretch its impact. One of them is an Inland Empire Community Foundation Field of Interest Fund grant that the organization uses...
The Digital Age continues to spawn an endless stream of technical advancements. One of the most refreshing perks to that is how well modern libraries have adapted, somehow making these treasured institutions all the more hip and fun by how much they now can offer the...
Want to make a difference in your community? IECF’s Youth Grantmakers program offers youth ages 15-21 a unique opportunity to do just that. By participating in this program, young people can learn about local nonprofits, analyze grant applications, and make...
Press Forward, a national organization dedicated to strengthening communities through local journalism, has awarded $175,000 to IECF’s IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund and $100,000 each to two Inland Empire news outlets: Black Voice News and The Riverside...