In just a short period, The Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California has emerged as a vibrant force. The nonprofit is dedicated to providing various public programs that focus on civil rights and the region’s civil rights history. Thus far, the...
A young spunky comic walks into a bar somewhere in the Inland Empire and… well, it’s best to let Benjamin Jeong tell you the rest. The 19-year-old comic and student has thrust himself on a bold mission to expand the Inland Empire comedy scene, which, he says is...
If the mission of Power Speaks Louder doesn’t grab you—and it will—then surely its tagline is one for the books: “To educate, empower, and transform lives by the power of words. Powerful indeed. Power Speaks Louder (PSL) has made valiant attempts to service the...
Lake Elsinore Historical Society was founded in 1996 to preserve the history of the Elsinore Valley. While there are many descendants of the pioneers who settled in the region, no one was collecting this information and housing it for future generations. A...
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the hospital, raises funds to provide children and their families with full-service support when faced with medical challenges. Families throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties...