IECF joins the Coachella Valley and beyond in mourning the loss of the legendary Jane Lykken Hoff, who died at the age of 103 – just two months shy of her 104th birthday. Widely known for her exceptional skills as a horsewoman, Jane spent much of her life exploring...
“We need each other as African American gay brothers more than ever through support, love, communication, intimacy, and spirituality,” reads the sobering proclamation on the website of Brothers of the Desert. It is but one of many bold truths that Tim Vincent, the...
A note from Nefertiti Long and Michelle Decker about the Women’s Giving Fund: Dear friends, In the words of our Women’s Giving Fund Fall Soiree Keynote Speaker, Jennifer O’Farrell: YOU are a gift. As we reflect on the incredible Sunday afternoon we shared with...
This article originally appeared in the Press Enterprise, February 2022. When Danielle Townshend moved from Tennessee to California, she discovered that her children were the only Black students in their classroom. Seeing a need for community and culturally relevant...