We’re celebrating 80 years of giving AND our new signature funds. Join us at these upcoming events!

The CIELO Fund for Latino Empowerment, chaired and seeded by Board Member Jesse Melgar, was established to empower the lives and futures of Latinos in the Inland Empire through community philanthropy, investment in educational excellence, leadership development, program and project support, and capacity building.

Signature Fund Launch and Celebration:  Saturday, September 24 | 6-8pm | The Cheech Center

 Women’s Giving Fund (WGF), chaired by Board Member Nefertiti Long; established to educate women about philanthropy and to provide grants to nonprofit organizations in the Inland Empire that address critical quality of life issues for women.

Signature Fund Celebration:  Sunday, October 9 | 12-2pm | Chaffey College, Chino Campus

More information (and more events) to come! Be sure to sign up for our monthly eNewsletter to stay informed.

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