Press Forward, a national organization dedicated to strengthening communities through local journalism, has awarded $175,000 to IECF’s IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund and $100,000 each to two Inland Empire news outlets: Black Voice News and The Riverside Record.

Strengthening Collaborative Inland Empire Journalism: A $175K Boost from Press Forward

The IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund (IEJIHF) at IECF has been awarded a $175,000 grant from Press Forward to support local and regional journalism and build the pipeline of talent for the sector. The Fund is a cooperative model established in 2022 to bridge the gaps in the region’s news coverage through collaborative media partnerships, thereby strengthening communities and democracy.

An Innovative Approach to Local News

The Inland Empire has long suffered from limited media coverage and a lack of institutional accountability­­­­­–challenges the Hub+Fund seeks to address. This collaborative model will foster partnerships among local media organizations, independent journalists, and citizen journalists. By pooling resources and sharing expertise, it aims to enhance the depth and breadth of reporting on key local issues. One of the Hub+Fund’s primary goals is to serve underrepresented audiences and address information gaps. Historically, communities of color in the Inland Empire have suffered from narratives that criminalize them and exclude important stories that reflect their realities. The Hub+Fund aims to change this narrative by bringing in media professionals who reflect the communities they cover and by ensuring that these communities have a sense of ownership and accessibility.

Building a Sustainable Funding Model

To ensure the long-term sustainability of the Hub+Fund, the IECF will use the Press Forward grant to hire a dedicated development professional to focus on donor engagement, institutional relationship building, and identifying strategic partnership opportunities. By securing additional funding from regional donors and larger grants, the Hub+Fund can continue to expand its initiatives and support local journalism. Show your support for local journalism by donating today!

More Press Forward Grants

Two local media outlets are part of the 18 California newsrooms and 205 nationwide newsrooms receiving a share of $20 million from Press Forward to address coverage gaps in their communities.

The grants, totaling $100,000 each over two years, will support these media outlets in their efforts to provide reliable and community-focused news coverage. Black Voice News, a Black-owned newsroom operating since 1972, will use the funds to support community engagement to bolster reporting and increase editorial impact. The Riverside Record, a community-focused nonprofit digital newsroom, will use the funding to support its goal of providing high-quality, local content that inspires people to become involved in their communities.

This local funding from Press Forward and its support of the Inland Empire Journalism Innovation Hub + Fund are essential for maintaining a sustainable and reliable news landscape in the region. By strengthening local news, we can ensure that our communities have access to the information they need to make informed decisions.

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