IECF envisions a thriving Inland Empire, where clean air fills our lungs, vibrant communities flourish, and our environment is protected for generations to come. This sustainable future is within reach, but it requires commitment and action. By understanding environmental issues and the challenges posed by climate change, we can build solutions that benefit everyone.

Learn more about our Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program grant to increase forest and fire resilience in the face of a changing climate; about our work with the Forest Service to improve forest health and resiliency across management jurisdictions through Shared Stewardship; and about our disaster philanthropy to provide relief funds during critical times.

The following information is provided to support our communities in their efforts to prepare for natural disasters.

Be California Strong

Small actions can make a big difference when it comes to staying safe during a disaster!

Here are some simple steps you can take:

✓ Sign up for alerts
✓ Make a plan
✓ Pack a go bag

Visit to sign up for alerts today.

Helping Californians Prepare for Emergencies: Listos California

Listos California is a program dedicated to helping Californians get ready for emergencies like wildfires, earthquakes, and floods. Its goal is to make sure everyone, especially vulnerable groups like seniors, non-English speakers, and low-income families, has the tools and knowledge to stay safe.

Listos California provides easy-to-understand resources, training, and tips to create emergency plans and prepare for the unexpected. Whether it’s building a disaster kit or knowing evacuation routes, the program makes preparedness simple and accessible for all. Visit to get started today.

Download the Disaster Ready Guide:



Listos California is the state’s emergency preparedness campaign led by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CAL OES) and California Volunteers to make sure our most at-risk residents will have a plan for themselves and their families in the event of a disaster. Listos also encourages community engagement in local disaster planning as an essential part of getting all Californians prepared for any emergency.

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