We are saddened to learn of the passing of a friend of the Foundation, Chris Carpenter. Chris was a local attorney and a champion of causes close to his heart. For over 20 years he and his wife Molly gave their time and resources to support the Riverside Public Library. In 2016, they established The Molly and Chris Carpenter Family Fund at IECF to support public libraries both locally and across the country, and to benefit early childhood learning and other programs. Chris also designated in his trust a testamentary gift to IECF to distribute funds to libraries with the knowledge that his giving will benefit the community for decades to come.

Jose Marquez, Director of Planned Giving at IECF said, “I met Chris a few years ago while working with him on a gift to support the Riverside Public Library. We talked about the importance of giving back. Chris remarked, ‘You can earn money, but there comes a time when you don’t need it, and your children don’t need all of it. Why not give where the need is? Plow it back into your local community.’ And that is exactly what Chris did through his work, his own giving, and in a testamentary gift to IECF.”

IECF is grateful to Chris Carpenter for his passionate and robust vision for the future of our communities. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family.



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