Safe Schools Desert Cities
Safe Schools Desert Cities Corp is a registered non‐profit 501(c)(3) public charity organization, established in 2011. The fund at the Foundation was set up in 2022 to award annual Burton/May Pride Scholarships. These awards, founded by John Burton and Ken May, recognize outstanding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or intersex (LGBTQI) youth who, through their participation, dedication, and initiative have helped foster a positive self-image among other LGBTQI youth.
The Fund welcomes donations of any amount, either one-time or recurring.
To Sponsor a Scholarship: You may commit to making a $1,000 or more per year donation plus an administrative fee of 4% ($1,040 for $1,000 donations) to sponsor a scholarship as an individual, an organization, or a business. For online donations, here’s what to do:
- For online donations, click the “Give Today” button below.
- Schedule a $1,000 +4% ($1,040) donation as a recurring donation for at least 3 years (Any donation over $1,000 is welcome; please be sure to add 4% to the total contribution.)
- Enter the details of your sponsorship (e.g. your name, company name, or the name of the person you’re honoring) in the “Tribute” box.
For donations by check, make the check payable to IECF, with “Safe Schools Desert Cities” in the memo line. If sponsoring a scholarship, please be sure to include the additional 4% as noted above, and include a note with information about the details of your tribute. Mail the check to:
3700 Sixth Street, Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92501
If you have questions about this opportunity, please contact Lisa Todd, Scholarship Comittee Chair for Safe Schools Desert Cities, at lisa@safeschoolsdc.org.