Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund
The Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund was Established in 2022 to support local and regional journalism and media and build the pipeline of talent for the sector. In these days of rampant disinformation and loss of local journalism outlets, it is essential to cultivate reliable sources of news based on fact and integrity.
“Since the explosion of the pandemic that began in early 2020, at least 85 local newsrooms in the U.S. have closed. Others have barely remained in operation, cutting staff, salaries, and work hours. About 1,800 newspapers have closed around the country since 2004, according to“news desert” authority and researcher Dr. Penny Abernathy, a former professor at UNC.” ~ The Community Foundation Local Media Guidebook
What are the benefits of the Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund?
• Support innovations in community news to expand the reporting on vital conditions for a thriving Inland Empire
• Learn about and invest in news organizations focused on building sustainable models for local news and civic information
• Combine your gift with others to enhance impact
• Network with others who are philanthropically minded and who are interested in improving the civic health of our region by strengthening our civic media infrastructure
Your gift connects you with other donors and funders who are committed to amplifying community voices to bolster civic engagement and foster more active, informed communities.
To learn more about the Fund, download the Journalism Innovation Hub+ Fund PDF
The IE Journalism Innovation Hub + Fund recently awarded $220,000 to 12 local news outlets and independent media makers in its inaugural grantmaking round! This initial investment highlights IECF’s commitment to revitalizing local news and ensuring our communities have access to equitable and impactful journalism.
2025 IE Journalism Innovation Hub+Fund Grantees
The organizations who received funding are:
- Community Forward Redlands
- Black Voice News
- Inland Valley News
- El Informador Del Valle
- Raincross Gazette
- The Frontline Observer
- IE Community News
- OTWay Media (Media Literacy)
- Melissa Daniels (Freelance)
- 1LoveIE (Digital Media)
- I.E. in Friends (Digital Media)
Read more here.
“”Both media and philanthropy play a role in advancing a multi-racial democracy and serving the public good and I’ve been particularly excited by philanthropy’s response to this crisis in local news media. As a fund, we are focused on the future, committed to building a stronger news ecosystem by thinking creatively about improving the civic health of our region through community engagement, solutions reporting on the vital conditions for thriving communities, and by investing in media infrastructure to support long-term sustainability of our local news sector.”