Build Coachella Valley Fund (BCVF)
IECF believes that conditions are right for real, sustainable progress for Coachella Valley (CV).
The Build Coachella Valley Fund was established in 2023 to support the critically urgent social, environmental and economic resilience of the region. We have an opportunity to reinvigorate local philanthropy by investing collectively in effective, mission-driven organizations that uplift wellbeing and build prosperity for residents in the Coachella Valley. Known internationally as a desert resort destination, the CV has a reputation of glamour, golf courses, tennis tournaments, music festivals, bountiful sunshine, and a warm dry climate. Approximately 3.5 million visitors come through the Coachella Valley annually–some for a weekend, some for a month, and some for an entire season. Hospitality and agriculture are the primary economic drivers of the region.
But behind this façade, the Coachella Valley faces significant challenges and deficits including broad poverty and income disparities, foodinsecurity, affordable housing and homelessness, lack of health and human services, educational attainment, and climate/environmental concerns. While 1/2 of Coachella Valley households have a net worth of $1.2 million*, 1/4 of local children live below the federal poverty line.**
Despite its very rapid growth, Coachella Valley suffers from a significant deficiency of philanthropic investment from individuals, families, businesses, foundations and local governments. In fact, the California Foundation Center report total numbers show while per capita investment by foundations into the IE has increased to more than $25, the California average is now $263, and the region continues to lag behind neighboring counties.
What are the benefits of the BCVF?
• Join with other local donors to make a greater collective impact and enhance support of high-performing nonprofit organizations;
• Learn from experts about current local and regional issues along with promising evidence-based solutions;
• Network with others who are philanthropically minded and living their passion to improve the region;
• Receive regular updates about our collaborative model of grantmaking to address the needs of our most vulnerable populations.
Funds will be disbursed based on the committee’s recommendations in the following ways:
• Fund applicants will have to demonstrate sound science-based, data-driven, and economically feasible support for their proposals.
• Successful applicants will demonstrate that proposals and projects are based on informed community input and driven by community voices and needs, including environmental, health, economic, and social issues,like education and workforce competencies.
• Successful applications will be required to provide explicitly for meaningful collaboration among other community-based organizations, environmental groups, community members, and other constituents.
• Grant recipients will be required to show measurable outcomes and real impact resulting from IECF grants.
To learn more about the Fund, download the BCVF PDF
“Our choice is really simple: we can either sit on our hands, say the issues are too big or too complex, and leave the growing crisis to our children and grandchildren … or, we can come together now, organizing small groups of people to begin to make real and lasting change that will benefit future generations. The mission and purpose of the BCVF is to be a catalyst for that change.”