Regional fire officials and TEAM RCD met to discuss collaborations

Here in the Inland Empire, wildfire is a constant threat. But we don’t have to face this challenge alone. IECF is proud to be part of the solution through our involvement in the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) program.

This statewide initiative empowers regions like ours to develop and implement plans for improving forest health and protecting communities from wildfires. As part of the RFFC program, IECF administers a $1.6M block grant to increase forest and fire resilience and plays a key role in fostering collaboration between various stakeholders.

Recently, IECF’s Regional Forest & Fire Coordinator, David Hernandez, participated in a meeting that brought together regional fire officials and TEAM RCD (Temecula-Elsinore-Anza-Murrieta Resource Conservation District). The gathering highlighted the importance of working together across boundaries to build a more fire-resistant Inland Empire. Regional fire officials in attendance included Scott Tangenberg (US Forest Supervisor-Cleveland National Forest), Bill Weiser (Fire Chief-CAL Fire), Bernard Molloy (Fire Chief-Murrieta Fire), Doug Strosnider (Deputy Fire Marshal-Murrieta Fire), and Jeff Bruns (Fire Inspector-Murrieta Fire).

Recognizing that effective wildfire protection requires a joint effort across boundaries, the meeting highlighted a crucial point: collaboration is key. Participants emphasized the importance of proactive, open communication and underscored the need for a united front against wildfires.This spirit of cooperation will be instrumental in developing a comprehensive and well-supported plan. At the coalition’s next meeting in April, they will identify new partners and establish specific goals and objectives to further strengthen our regional fire resilience efforts.

What can you do today?

In an area where wildfires are increasing, informed homeowners are empowered homeowners. One way you can participate in this collaborative effort is by hardening your home against wildfires. Home hardening is a series of steps you can take to make your property less vulnerable to wildfire damage. This can involve:

  • Using fire-resistant roofing and siding materials.
  • Installing properly screened vents to prevent embers from entering.
  • Replacing single-pane windows with double-paned windows with tempered glass.
  • Creating a defensible space around your home by removing flammable vegetation and maintaining a clean landscape.

Visit Cal Fire’s excellent resource page to learn more ways you can protect your home and family from wildfire.

We’d love to hear from you! Email David Hernandez for more information, and get regular updates by visiting our dedicated RFFC webpage. By working together, we can create a safer future for our communities.

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