Last month, the first and second waves of funding from the IE Funders Alliance (FA) Rapid Response Fund distributed over $650,000 in grants to 35 nonprofits who are providing critical services such as childcare, food assistance and shelter during the pandemic. Grants, ranging from $10,000 to $25,000, will support core operations and capacity building for community based organizations doing this mission-critical work.

The Rapid Response Fund was created by the Inland Empire Funders Alliance and is housed at Inland Empire Community Foundation. The fund’s focus will remain on supporting the strength of IE organizations that are on the frontlines responding to the pandemic in their communities.

To date, the Foundation has granted to the following organizations:

1st Round – Academy GO, Alianza Coachella Valley, Catholic Charities, Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement, Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, Inland Congregations United for Change, Inland Empire Community Collaborative, Inland Empowerment, ReachOut, and United Way of Inland Valley/Inland Empire United Way for 211 services

2nd Round – Barstow Senior Nutrition, Boys & Girls Club of Fontana, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Redlands-Riverside, BVCHD Foundation’s Mom & Dad project, Child Advocates of San Bernardino County, Chino Neighborhood House, Coachella Valley Parents, Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, Divine Connections, HOPE, DOVES of Big Bear Valley, Inc., Foothill Family Shelter, Greater Hope Foundation, High Desert Second Chance, Hope through Housing Foundation, House of Ruth Inc., Martha’s Village and Kitchen, Michelle’s Place Cancer Resource Center, Operation Safe House, Inc., Rewritten, Safe Alternatives for Everyone, Sterling Solutions, Supreme Touch Outreach, Victor Valley Community Services Councils, Voices for Children, Youth & Family Club of Pomona Valley and Youth Action Project (YAP).

As funding partners, we are proud to be among a group of philanthropic institutions that care about the Inland Empire. To date, The California Endowment, Weingart Foundation, Valenzuela Foundation, First 5 San Bernardino, First 5 Riverside, Blue Shield Foundation, James Irvine Foundation, and Wells Fargo Foundation have made contributions to or committed to the IE FA Rapid Response Fund.  We invite other foundations and funding partners to join together in this effort. For more information, contact Celia Cudiamat, SVP of Grants and Community Impact at

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