As the daughter of a single mom, Nefertiti “Nef” Long grew up in humble circumstances. Her family moved frequently when she was a child. Although Nef faced adversity, she was fortunate to have teachers, family members and support systems to fill in the...
Peggy Fouke Wortz was an extraordinary woman who transformed a life of privilege into a legacy of generosity. She gave of her wealth, her personal resources and her untiring spirit to those in our community who needed it most. IECF is proud indeed that Peggy was a...
Born in Minnesota in 1874, Victress Bower was the youngest of four children. She began teaching in Minnesota and then moved to Escondido, California before coming to Riverside in 1908. She instructed 7th and 8th graders at the old three-story brick Grant School at...
A Riverside icon shares how tough times taught her to give to others. In honor of January’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and February’s Black History Month, we’re pleased to share the story of one of IECF’s long-time supporters and a legacy...
Philanthropy can take many forms, including volunteerism, community service and charitable giving. These are just some of the outward-focused practices that enrich our communities and promote the well-being of our neighbors. In this Conversation with Donors, we’d like...
At IECF, we’re privileged to serve as the link between hardworking nonprofits and generous donors in our united efforts to create a vibrant region. We’d like to introduce you to George and Vici Nagel, long-time friends of the Foundation and valued partners. Their...