2nd Annual Policy & Engagement Forum – Speakers Announced

Join IECF for our 2nd Annual Policy & Engagement Forum on July 21, 2022! This virtual event will bring together the region’s influential leaders, innovators, and change-makers around IECF’s five policy priority areas: Education Equity, Inclusive Economic...

Youth Grantmakers Award $30,000 to Local Nonprofits

Since 2009, the Inland Empire Community Foundation’s Youth Grantmakers program has been inspiring youth to engage in local philanthropy. Participants in the San Bernardino, Riverside and Coachella Valley Youth Grantmakers meet once a month from September through June....

NPOs – We can’t wait to introduce you!

Nonprofits, we’d like to introduce you to new donors…is your organization on the list? The IE Giving Hub will be searchable by donors in July. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect! The free online platform allows donors, professional advisors,...

Reflections on Pride Month

In celebration of Pride Month, we’re sharing reflections from local leaders in the LGBTQ+ community. Gabriel Maldanado Founder and CEO TruEvolution “Pride began as a riot. A demand for rights, resources and human dignity. For TruEvolution, that is the starting place...

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