Revered anthropologist Jane Goodall once noted: “You cannot share your life with a dog or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.” Animal Samaritans understand this fact all too well and, for more than four decades,...
This newly founded San Bernardino nonprofit aims to protect public health across the Inland Empire. For the last two years, People’s Collective for Environmental Justice (PC4EJ) has been creating programs that address pollution and systemic racism, and encourage the...
Holding true to a vision to restore and protect biologically and culturally sensitive lands that span 24.5 million acres in the California Desert is a noble mission. Inspiring others to become just as excited about the cause and actually learn more about the desert is...
This Crestline organization ensures that youth and their families have the mental health support they need to thrive. Founded in 2012, Mountain Counseling & Training, Inc. (MCT) provides early mental health intervention, prevention and education to youth and their...
A retired performing arts teacher, Sharron Lewis wanted to continue to empower youth through the arts. She had seen students who had taken her dance classes or engaged in other arts for the first time flourish, and she imagined creating opportunities for youth outside...
We are saddened to learn of the passing of a friend of the Foundation, Chris Carpenter. Chris was a local attorney and a champion of causes close to his heart. For over 20 years he and his wife Molly gave their time and resources to support the Riverside Public...