IECF receives $1.6 million grant from the CA Department of Conservation
IECF has been awarded a two-year block grant of $1.6 million through the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program, a flexible pool of funds to help Riverside and parts of San Bernardino increase forest and fire resilience in the face of a changing climate. The...$9.9M Gift Received from S.L. Gimbel Foundation
We’ve been honored to partner with the S.L Gimbel Foundation since 2010. This December, IECF was awarded a gift of $9.9 million to be used for causes including the arts, education, the environment, and human dignity issues throughout the region and the U.S. In 2010,...
Satisfaction Through Service to Others: A Conversation with Rose Mayes
A Riverside icon shares how tough times taught her to give to others. In honor of January’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and February’s Black History Month, we’re pleased to share the story of one of IECF’s long-time supporters and a legacy...