Gloria Macias Harrison: Leading by Example

Gloria Macias Harrison: Leading by Example

For over 50 years, Gloria Macias Harrison has dedicated her life’s work to the betterment of her community through communication, activism and education. As co-founder of El Chicano newspaper and co-owner of Inland Empire Community News, her family-run publications...
Keeping Community Journalism in the IE Strong

Keeping Community Journalism in the IE Strong

In January, the CIELO Fund at IECF awarded $280,000 in inaugural grants. Grants were distributed to programs that address education equity, civic engagement, health access, economic mobility and immigrant services in the Latino community. The CIELO Fund grantmaking...
Women in Philanthropy: Celebrating our Donors Through the Years

Women in Philanthropy: Celebrating our Donors Through the Years

In celebration of Women’s History Month and in gratitude for their enduring examples, IECF is proud to highlight several female donors who have contributed to the betterment of our region through their generous philanthropy. They each come from very different...
CIELO Fund Scholars Program for Latino Empowerment is now open!

CIELO Fund Scholars Program for Latino Empowerment is now open!

IECF is now accepting applications for the CIELO Fund Scholars Program for Latino Empowerment! This inaugural scholarship program provides financial support for Latino students pursuing their college education, especially those intending to remain and work in the IE....
Creative Corps Inland SoCal Announces Request for Proposals

Creative Corps Inland SoCal Announces Request for Proposals

Creative Corps Inland SoCal is pleased to announce a request for proposals to fund artists and organizations to envision and co-create public projects, messaging campaigns, media, and events that wrestle with environmental, public health, social justice, and civic...

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