Spotlight on Creative Corps Inland SoCal: Announcing 52 Grantees!
Grants totaling more than $3.8 million were awarded to artists, culture-bearers, organizations and agencies throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. On July 5, 2023, Creative Corps Inland SoCal, a state-funded initiative of the California Arts Council (CAC)...
Spotlight on The Nature Education Foundation: Empowering Young People to Explore the World Around Them
In 2004, when annual grant funding which had supported a nature education program for 4,000 third-grade students ended, the community stepped up. The program was implemented by Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District (RivCoParks) at the Santa Rosa...
Spotlight on San Bernardino Fatherhood: Helping Dads Raise Kids Who Thrive
Recognizing higher rates of Black infant mortality in California, the Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) was launched in 2018 to address the causes of this disparity and best practices. Under the PEI, San Bernardino Fatherhood was contracted by the San Bernardino...
Spotlight on Family Service Association of Redlands: 125 Years of Service to Families
Founded in 1898 by Alfred Smiley, Family Service Association of Redlands has come alongside families in need and in crisis to help them return to a place of self-sufficiency for 125 years. The agency provides basic yet vital support to households that are low-income,...