Spotlight on California Creative Corps Fund Grantee, Makeda Kumasi: watching talent fuel the creative mind
There’s no shortage of creativity for Makeda Kumasi. The San Bernardino dance artist’s work and collaborations are something to marvel at, in fact, and her passions fuel several stand-out projects and initiatives. The Umoja Ensemble of the Inland Empire, for instance,...
Spotlight on the Sickle Cell Disease Foundation: free services for patients and their families
Since 1957, the Sickle Cell Disease Foundation (SCDF) has been addressing the needs of individuals living with the challenges of sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is a genetic blood disorder that causes red blood cells to be curved like a crescent rather than...
Spotlight on Assistance League Coachella Valley: broadening its reach and eliminating barriers
Assistance League Coachella Valley continues to expand how it provides essential needs to Coachella Valley Individuals in need and their families. The all-volunteer nonprofit organization has been steadfast in eliminating barriers for at-risk or disadvantaged...
Spotlight on Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine: making strides by offering no-cost healthcare
Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine (CVVIM) understands affordable healthcare is one of the most significant issues for many people in the United States. To that end, it continues to offer local solutions to a national dilemma by providing a variety of medical...