The Purple Room, Palm Springs’ legendary supper club renowned for its Rat Pack era atmosphere and world-class entertainment, provided the backdrop for IECF’s recent Professional Advisors Cocktail Reception and Dinner. The event was an exclusive gathering for financial...
Inland Empire’s Latino Community has reason to celebrate. At a brunch attended by nearly 400 people at the Palm Springs Convention Center on October 6, IECF announced that its CIELO Fund has raised more than $2 million to support Latino-led and -serving organizations...
The Power of the Purse is back! Unleash the power of women’s philanthropy. Join us to celebrate the impact of collective giving and learn how the Women’s Giving Fund is transforming lives. Save the date for our annual Spring Fling, Sunday, March 23, 2025! Grant...
Inland Empire Community Foundation grant empowers innovative nonprofit Sensei Tamara Canedo-Lifschutz of Seiden-Juku in La Quinta receives a lot of bows from her students. That bow, known as “rei,” indicates a sign of respect and reverence for the teacher or...
Learn from a Donor Advised Fundholder, Ann Sheffer Ann Sheffer, former IECF board member, founder of the Fund for a Creative IE, and a generous donor at the Inland Empire Community Foundation, shares her experience with DAFs: “I’ve always known about DAFs...