Oak Grove Center Helps Youth Thrive as They Overcome Mental Health Challenges
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s our privilege to feature an IECF grantee and fundholder, Oak Grove Center, as they rise to meet the difficulties faced by youth in our communities. Children today are exposed to an increasing barrage of stresses...
MALO: Serving Tongan Americans in the Inland Empire
In recognition of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, IECF is pleased to introduce you to MALO, an IECF grantee and nonprofit organization serving Tongan Americans in the Inland Empire. MALO (Motivating Action Leadership Opportunity)...
Spotlight on Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice: faith-based, grass roots, and community organizations working together
Founded in 2008 by Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Rutilio del Riego, Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ICIJ) was first convened to unify immigrant leaders in the Inland Empire. If faith-based, grassroots, and community organizations worked as a coalition, he...