In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools faced extraordinary challenges. Remote learning, staffing shortages, rolling school closures and spotty access to the internet were the norm for all, but they intensified inequalities in education among historically...
IECF is a proud partner of the 2023 California Economic Summit. Join us as we work together to create a more inclusive, sustainable California where all can prosper! Registration for the 2023 California Economic Summit taking place in Indian Wells on October 11-13 is...
In 2022, IECF received a two-year block grant of $1.6 million through the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program. David Hernandez, IECF’s Regional Forest and Fire Coordinator, is tasked with coordinating the grant to help Riverside and parts of San...
The IECF Women’s Giving Fund (WGF) is delighted to announce that Jennifer O’Farrell, Chief External Affairs Officer of Big Brothers Big Sisters Inland Empire (BBBS), will present the keynote address at the WGF Fall Soiree on October 15th, 2023! You won’t want to miss...
For The CIELO Fund, the sky’s the limit. Literally and figuratively. The word “cielo” means “sky” in Spanish and the name itself signifies hope. And there’s definitely been an increase in that over the last year. One Year of Impressive Achievements In September 2023,...