Photo by Albert Angelo.
Rohn Rookstool Illustration by Stuart Funk
Mr. Monti and Mrs. Maryanne Ackerman
Mrs. Karen Ackland
Adelante Partners Inc.
Adrian’s Tax Service
Albert A. Webb Associates
Alejandre For Superintendent 2022
Alejandre For Superintendent 2026
Mr. Brad Alewine
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Linda Allegre
Mr. Glenn R. Allison
Alta Loma Enterprises LLC
Mr. Don and Mrs. Carole Alter
Altura Credit Union
Amazon.com Services LLC
American Endowment Foundation
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. (Benevity Foundation)
Andalusia Country Club
Mr. Glenn W. Anderson
Mr. Richard Anderson
Andrew J. Jaramillo, CLU and Associates, Inc.”
Mr. Ed and Mrs. Teri Andrews
“Apple Valley Communications, Inc.
Arent Charitable Foundation
Mr. John and Mrs. Marilyn Argent
Armand E. Brachman Revocable Trust
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Denise Armfield
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Mira Armstrong
Ms. Krystle Arzola
Auburn Toyota
Ms. Margaret Axelson
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Ms. Pamela Balys
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. Joseph W. and Mrs. Debbie L. Barber
Mrs. Dora Barilla
Beauty 21 Cosmetics
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Elizabeth Beghou
Mr. Denis and Mrs. Diana Bertone
Best Best & Krieger, LLP
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Mr. Tim G. and Mrs. Heather J. Black
Ms. Julie Bloom
BNSF Railway Company
Mr. Sergio Bohon
Mr. Sergio and Mrs. Christy Bohon
Mr. Michael Booher
Dr. Craig Borba
Mr. Stephen Bowen
Ms. Shunna Bradford
Dr. Harbinder Brar
Mr. Terry Bridges
Mr. William and Mrs. Judith Britt
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Jennifer Brooksby
Dr. Paulette Brown-Hinds
Mrs. Stephanie Brydon Sirr
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Lupe Buhr
Ms. Lauren and Mr. Timothy Burney
Ms. Tanya L. Burns
California Health Care Foundation
California State University, San Bernardino
California Wellness Foundation
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Suzon Capparelli
Cardenas Markets, Inc. – Scholarship Foundation
Mr. Jim Carroll
Ms. Wilmer Carter
Catholic Charities San Bernardino & Riverside Counties
Central Valley Community Foundation
Century Golf Partners Management
Chaffey College Foundation
Mrs. Frances and Mr. Merele Chapman
Chavez Family Foundation
Mrs. Karen and Mr. Nate Cheney
Cire Investment Services, Inc.
City of Palm Springs Accounts Payable
Mr. Don Clarke and Mrs. Joanne Barajas-Clarke
Coachella Valley Firebirds
Mr. James and Mrs. Susan Cody
Rabbi Hillel and Mrs. Rita Cohn
Mr. Joey D. and Mrs. Dean K. Collisson
Colton Joint Unified School District
County of Riverside – HHPWS
Cove Communities Senior Association dba The Joslyn Center
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Molly Coyner Cozena
Mr. Stephen Cunnison
Mr. Alan Curl
David T. Bristow, A Professional Corporation
Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Glee Ann Davis
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Rebecca DeBoer
Ms. R. Michelle Decker
Ms. Mary L. Del Grande
Democracy Fund
Desert Business Association
Desert Community College District
Mr. Samuel Dickinson and Ms. M. Sharon Barrett-Dickinson
Difference Maker Academy
Mr. Jim Dilday
Ms. Lynne Ditfurth
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Sharlene Doolin
Mr. David Dowling
Dr. Daksha Jain and Mr. Sudhir Kapadia
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Martha Duncan
Ms. Robin Duncan
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Carolyn Eadon
Edison International
Mr. Oscar Edwards
Ejay Filtration, Inc.
Mr. Ralph Emsland
Mr. Efrain Escobedo
Mr. Jonathan Espy
Estate of Chris Carpenter
Ms. Edith Ettner
Mr. John and Mrs. Donna Evans
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Deborah Evans
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Event Brite
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Wendy Farnum
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Susanne Ferguson
Mrs. P. Maryetta and Mr. Franklin Ferre
Ms. Diane Fesler
Fidelity Charitable
First Citizens Bank
Mr. Jack Fitzsimmons and Mr. Walter Gendell
Ms. Anne-Marie Foley
Fontana Public Schools Education Foundation
Fore Girls Golf
Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Sherry Forster
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Dora French
Frick, Frick & Jette Architects, Incorporated
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Jan Frick
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Aileen Friedlein
Ms. Shelley Gagnet
Ganan Sales Company, LLC
Gee Foundation
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Marge Gehl
Ms. Kathy M. Gentry
Get Loaded, Inc.
Mrs. Paula Gilmartin
Mr. Gene and Mrs. Traute Gleeson
Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Susan Goldware
Mr. Russell S. Gould
Grace Helen Spearman Charitable Foundation
Grand Canyon Education
Mr. Fred P. Grande
Mr. David Granzella
Mr. Mark Anthony and Sherry Grasso
Mrs. Mary and Mr. Daniel Greening
Dr. Edith Grossi
Growing Inland Achievement
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Mary Gutierrez
Ms. Joan Hackel
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Elaine Hansch
Ms. Pilar Hanson
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Christina Harris
Mr. David and Ms. Virginia Hayward
Mrs. Debra Heller
Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Jacqueline E. Helpern
Heritage House Operations, RMA
Hicks 1990 Trust
Ms. Elaine Hill and Mr. John Schoettler
Ms. Michele Himmelberg
Mr. Nicholas Hjorth
Mr. Joseph M. and Mrs. Diane P. Hoffman
Mr. Stephen D. and Mrs. Kathleen C. Holloway
Mr. Ryan R. and Mrs. Kathleen Holman
Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Dorothy Holmes
Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Teri Holtz
Mr. Rick A. Homutoff
Mr. Randall and Mrs. Tricia Hord
Horizon Education
Horizons Foundation
Ms. Lucia I Hudec
Mr. William E Huff
Mrs. Beth Ann and Mr. Jeff Hullinger
Ms. Louella Hundt
Dr. Donna Marie Hunter
Mr. Guy and Mrs. Laurie Icenogle
Mr. Jay and Mrs. Cindy Ihlenfeld
Imperial Commercial Cooking Equipment
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Barbara Ingram
Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 477
Mr. James Jack
Ms. Catherine Lee Jackson
Ms. Ardee and Mr. Terry Jagt
Jergensen Construction Inc.
JHI Inc.
Ms. Kathy Johnson, CPA
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Nancy Justis
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
Mr. James and Mrs. Jeanne Kennedy
Mr. Frank Kerrigan
Ms. Elise Killiany
Mr. Hart and Ms. Barbara Klein
Mr. Kevin Knode
Mr. John Knopf
Knott’s Berry Farm
Ms. Faith Kone
Mr. Clark and Mrs. Mary Kosty
Mr. John Kozyra
Mr. John and Mrs. Lauren Kozyra
La Quinta Chevrolet and Cadillac
Lake Elsinore Elks Lodge #2591
Lake Elsinore Storm, LP
Mr. Michael and Ms. Sharon Landau
Mr. Robert J. and Mrs. Marilyn Lang
Latino Community Foundation
Ms. Brenda Leatherwood
Mr. Ryan C. LeClaire
Mrs. Carla Lehman
Mr. John and Mrs. Kimberly Leja
Ms. Maria Lemus
Mr. Raymond and Ms. Julie Leonard
Lewis Family Foundation
Mr. Randall and Mrs. Janell Lewis
Mrs. Kathleen Lewis
Liberty Hill Foundation
Lift to Rise
Ms. Jennifer Lim
Mrs. Nefertiti Long
Mr. Cory C. and Mrs. Brenda Lopez
Ms. Nina and Mr. Lou Losorelli
Mr. Jack E. and Mrs. Cindy R. Louws
Lucia & Co. CPAs, Inc.
Ms. Christine MacCalla
Mr. Stuart MacGregor and Ms. Colleen Campbell
Malachowski Family Trust
Mr. John Maloney
Marianne Stamm Revocable Living Trust
Dr. Patricia Mark
Dr. Dale and Mrs. Laurie Marsden
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Kathy McCarthy
Dr. Ronald McCowan
Mr. James McIntire
Mrs. Dawn and Mr. Robert McLean
Mr. Michael McNitt-Gray
Medtronic Foundation
Mr. Jacob Mejia
Mr. Jesse Melgar
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.
Meta Payments Inc.
Ms. Lisa A. Metheny
Ms. Susan A. Methany
Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Jackie Miller
Ms. Cher E. Milner
Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Denise Molnar
Dr. Reed Montgomery
Mr. Gary Moore
Moreno Valley Unified School District
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Deirdre Morris
Mr. Patrick Morris
Mountain High Escrow Inc.
Mr. David and Mrs. Patricia Metheny
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stalder
Mr. William L. Scheffler and Ms. Ann E. Sheffer
Mr. Gerald and Ms. Kathryn Murch
Mrs. Paula Myles
National Philanthropic Trust
Neal Waner, Certified Financial Planner
Nehemiah Charitable Fund
Ms. Debbie Ness
Mr. Kirk and Mrs. Sandy Newby
Mr. Adam J. Newman
Mrs. Sharon Nigro
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Brenda Norris
North Valley Community Foundation
Office of Supervisor Joe Baca Jr.
Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Risa Olsen
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Marde Olson
Padilla for Secretary of State 2018
Ms. Dianne R. Pales
Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, LLP
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Traci Palo
Paloian Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. James and Mrs. Donna Parker
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Jane Parker
Partners for Better Health
Patriot Wealth Management
Pechanga Resort & Casino
Mr. Steve and Mr. Chris Perreault
Mrs. Ila Perrine
Perris Valley Historical and Museum Association
Phillip Grayson LeBlanc Trust
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Lori Phillipi
Mr. Michael Phillips and Mrs. Audrey Teren-Phillips
Ms. Sandi Phillips
Grand Rapids Community Foundation
Ms. Dawn Pia
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Vivian Pohl
Ms. Rebecca A. Porter
Ms. Mary Ellen Prout
Mr. Richard Ramage
Ramirez v Magnolia Food LLC et al
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jane Ramsey
Records-Johnston Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Katherine Remmers
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Resnick Foundation
Riverside Community College District
Riverside County Judges Association
Riverside County Office of Education
RJ Powell Cosultants Inc.
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Nancy Robinson
Ms. Anna Maria Rodriguez
Mr. Ivan Rosales
Mr. Cristian E. Rosales-Cardenas
Rotary Club of Redlands Foundation
Mr. Frederick and Mrs. Suzanne Roth
Senator Susan Rubio
Ruth Ann Hyson CLAT
S.L. Gimbel Foundation
Safe Schools Desert Cities
Mr. Ron Salary and Ms. Diane Pales
Ms. Irene Salyer
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Ms. Judith Saner
Mr. Philip Savage, III
Mr. Jerry and Ms. Janice Schaefer
Mr. David Schmidt
Mrs. Wanda and Mr. Carl Schneider
Schwab Charitable Fund
Ms. Marian Schwartz
Selpa Administrators of California
Sempra Energy Foundation
Mr. Marc and Mrs. Lisa Shaw
Ms. Vivian Shaw
Ms. Vivian and Mr. Robert Shaw
Ms. Ann Sheffer
Mr. G. Roderick Sherriffs
Ms. Martha L. Short
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Ms. Barbara Simenton
Mr. Philip and Mrs. Janice Sirianni
Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Katie Skrove
Smiles Business Services, LLC
Mr. Phil and Mrs. Becky Smith, Jr.
Mr. David E. Smith
Ms. Lisha Smith
Ms. Maria Solano
Mr. Sam Solomon
Special Angels Foundation
Spring Hills Family Dentistry Yaowarattana, DDS
Mr. Joe Staley
Mr. Robert Stanard II
State of California – Treasurer
Stater Bros. Charities
Mr. Dan Stauber
Stebler Trust (Fred Stebler & Eva V. Stebler Foundation)
Mr. Mark Stevens
Mr. Tommy and Mrs. Marisol Stokes
Stuff Pizza Bar & Grill
Ms. Nancy Sutterley
Synagro Technologies, Inc.
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. Dwight Tate
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Gail Taylor
Mr. Steven Taylor and Ms. Susan Oberlink
Mrs. Rozlyn Taylor
Ms. Helen Taylor
Teaman, Ramirez & Smith, Inc.
Mr. Emmett L. Terrell
The Alderson Family Foundation
The Arc of Riverside County
The Bentley Family Trust
The California Endowment
The Dora Buchner Trust (Revocable) dtd 10/11/13
The Doshier Surviors Trust
The Gehl Living Trust
The Irving and Adele Rosenberg Foundation, Inc.
The James Irvine Foundation
The Jewelry Source Inc.
The Lillian D. DeSimone Trust
The Mary Diann Coate Trust
The PNC Financial Service Group
The Setton Foundation
The Taylor Family Trust
The Thomas J. Torske Agency
Mr. Teodore J. Wurtz and Mrs. Deborah Kerrigan
Think Together
Dr. Gary and Mrs. Beverly Thomas
Mrs. Lynn and Mr. Richard Thurber
Mr. Michael Tillison
Todec Legal Center Perris
Mr. Anthony Toohey
Mr. Jose Torres
Mr. Terrence Trudo
University of California – Accounting Office
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kathi Urie
US Bank
Mrs. Ofelia Valdez-Yeager and Mr. Louis Yeager
Mr. William Van Matre
Vanguard Charitable
Varner & Brandt LLP
Ms. Cecilia Vest
Victoria Avenue Forever
Village Hardware & Lumber Inc.
Ms. Yvette Walker
Mr. Duncan and Mrs. Gail Warden
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Darlene Watson
Weingart Foundation
Mrs. Peggy and Mr. Jack Weisbly
Wells Fargo Foundation
Western Wind Foundation
Which Wich? Superior Sandwiches
Dr. Judy White
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Sherril White
Ms. Judy Whitmyre
Dr. Ron Williams
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kitty Williams
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Lori Williams
Mr. Cully Williamson
Ms. Molly Williamson
Willmas Trust c/o Comerica Bank
Mr. Theodore Wilm
Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa Wing
Wingate Foundation
Mr. Tim and Mrs. Kris Winter
Mr. John Wise and Ms. Michelle Henricks
Mr. Shawn Wolf
Dr. Katherine Wright
Ms. Kathy Wright
Ms. Deborah M. Yano-Fong
Ms. Marisa Yeager
YourCause, LLC Trustee
Zacatecas Cafe
Mr. Brad and Mrs. Sandi Zellner
Mr. John and Mrs. Shannah Zorn