Ann Sheffer
Palm Springs Public Arts Commission
Ann Sheffer
Ann Sheffer is currently the Chair of the Palm Springs Public Arts Commission and a member of the boards of the Palm Springs Cultural Center and the Desert AIDS Project to name a few. Ms. Sheffer was an elected member of the Westport (CT) legislative body from 1993 to 2005, and served as chair of its Library, Museum, and Arts Committee. She was a member of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities from 1993 to 2000, appointed by President Bill Clinton, and subsequently a board member of Americans for the Arts, and chair of the Arts Action Fund PAC. Ms. Sheffer has been actively engaged with many charitable and community groups. She received her undergraduate degree Magna Cum Laude in Theater and French from Smith College, a Masters in Arts Administration from Tufts University, and an MBA from the University of Washington. Ann and her husband, William L. Scheffler, Esq. are residents of Palm Springs.