Will or Living Trust Language
Once you’ve chosen to make a gift, support the Inland Empire Community Foundation by including very simple language in a will or trust, like the following examples.
Specific Gift
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Inland Empire Community Foundation, 3700 Sixth Street, Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92501, Nonprofit Tax ID: 33-0748536 [the sum of $ _______] or [_______% of my estate] or [shares of stock in _______ company] or [my real property, parcel number # ________, located at ___________________].”
Residual Gift*
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Inland Empire Community Foundation, 3700 Sixth Street, Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92501, Nonprofit Tax ID: 33-0748536 [all or a percentage] of the residue of my estate.”
*Residue is defined as that which remains after debts and expenses of administration. Legacies and all other devises have been satisfied.
Contingent Gift
“In the event that [name of beneficiary] does not survive, I give, devise and bequeath the deceased beneficiary’s gift to the Inland Empire Community Foundation, 3700 Sixth Street, Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92501, Nonprofit Tax ID: 33-0748536.”