It Only Takes 5 Steps To Get Prepared!

Whether it’s an earthquake, wildfire, flood, or COVID-19. We need all Riverside County Residents to get ready and stay safe.

Listos California Wants Everyone To Get Ready And Stay Safe.

Together, let’s establish resilient communities and build a new culture of disaster preparedness for all Californians.

Download the Disaster Ready Guide:


Listos California is the state’s emergency preparedness campaign led by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CAL OES) and California Volunteers to make sure our most at-risk residents – those who are socially isolated, seniors, low-income, disabled or limited-English speakers – will have a plan for themselves and their families in the event of a disaster. Listos also encourages community engagement in local disaster planning as an essential part of getting all California prepared for any emergency.

Download Our Annual Report
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