For the fourth year in a row, IECF is hosting the IECF Policy and Philanthropy Summit, with a diverse group of speakers and attendees ready to roll up their sleeves and work together for a thriving Inland Empire. We welcome participants not only to listen but to participate and engage in the emerging efforts to embrace a thriving-together approach to change. The audience will quickly become co-creators in a discussion about what is working well in the Inland Empire and what efforts are underway to move big ideas in Humane Housing, Meaningful Work and Wealth, and Lifelong Learning, along with other Vital Conditions for Thriving.

We’re using the Vital Conditions Framework as a cornerstone for each segment of the Summit. Together, we’ll focus on finding solutions to core issues in our region. Here’s the goal: All people and places thriving—no exceptions.



DAY 1: Seeing Together

Day One Seeing Together underscores the importance of a united front as we work to understand and address our community’s needs. You’ll hear from government, non-profit, and philanthropic leaders on the topic of belonging and civic muscle; then we’ll dive into discussions on transforming education and engage our local elected leaders to talk about moving from urgent services to thriving communities. Loma Linda University will share success stories of their experience with the Vital Conditions Framework, and we’ll talk with local and state leaders about humane housing for the IE. Through roundtable discussions, we’ll explore the power of arts, journalism and media to foster a sense of belonging and tackle community challenges. Day One wraps up with a direct line to next steps, exciting new funding announcements, and an invitation to keep the conversation going during a hosted reception on the plaza.

8:00 am: Registration
9:00 am: Summit Opens
TABLE TALKS: Organizing for Thriving in the IE

PANEL: Belonging & Civic Muscle for Thriving
FIRESIDE CHAT & LUNCH: Transforming Education: State, Philanthropy, Community
PANEL: From Urgent Services to Thriving Communities
TED TALK: LLU and the Vital Conditions Framework
Humane Housing for the IE
The Art of Building Belonging & Civic Muscle
Wrap Up: Bending the Trend Together

DAY 2: Thriving in Practice

Day Two gets hands-on as we talk about Thriving in Practice. Learn from successful Thriving Together movements in other regions and brainstorm as we explore the roles we and our organizations can play in creating a regional movement for the IE. Breakout sessions will focus on data-driven progress tracking, the power of storytelling, and utilizing an online collaboration platform. More time for table talks will spur conversation, reflection, and a plan for action. The Summit closes with a special community town hall and lunch sponsored by the IE Media and Journalism Hub + Fund to talk about plans to build a sustainable, participatory, and community-centered approach to journalism that empowers residents in civic life.

8:30 am: Registration & Continental Breakfast
PLENARY: Welcome, Recap & Today
Growing A Thriving Together Movement
Building Our Collaboration Action Capacity (Breakouts)

Catalytic Data: Well-Being Surveys & Vital Condition Indicators
Unifying Narrative(s): story catching & seeing through new lenses
Launching/Growing/Using Our Collaboration Platform

How We’ll Build Our IE Vital Conditions/Thriving Together Movement
TOWN HALL & LUNCH: Media & Journalism Hub + Fund
1:30 pm CLOSE


The IECF Policy & Philanthropy Summit is using Swapcard to boost your experience! This all-in-one event app lets you plan your schedule, participate in sessions, network with attendees, and stay in touch after the event! Download the Swapcard app today to familiarize yourself with the platform and connect with other attendees before the summit!

Sponsorship Opportunities

We welcome sponsors! We’re offering a variety of opportunities to support our policy and philanthropy work while gaining visibility with our many partners through this exciting event. Together, we’re creating positive change in the IE! Click here for more information or email Brie Griset Smith, Chief Development Officer:

For more information about the Summit, contact Graciela Moran, Office of Policy & Engagement Manager:

We’ll be announcing speakers regularly. Follow us here for updates!

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